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in 🏠 homies
May 12

Hello everyone! I decided to gift myself the membership for Mother’s Day ☺️ The one thing I’ve struggled with the most since becoming a mom is consistency with workouts. This seemed perfect for me and I’m excited for what’s ahead! 

in 🏠 homies
April 01
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Happy April, babes! If you feel like you didn't give your best this month or maybe it's time to level up - now is the perfect time!

I love looking at a new month as a new chapter to start fresh and set new goals!

This is why I am bringing the best of the best to fully radiate wellness all month long, with a balance of high-energy and low-impact workouts to get us super motivated!

What's your biggest goal this month?

in 🏠 homies
May 10
in 🏠 homies
April 09

"I started my journey almost 1 year ago. One of my goals was to get as close as I could to 200lbs by my 40th birthday. Well, I turned 40 this past Friday, and today I hit the 70lb mark! SEVENTY POUNDS! I can’t believe it but I did it! I started at 280lbs and I’m down to 210lbs. I went from a size 22 to a size 14/16, depending on the brand. I’m so proud of myself!" - Kimberly

It goes to show you how far you can go once you commit to a goal, and stay consistent. Leave a 😍 if you're super inspired by Kimberly's story!

in 🏠 homies
May 09

Does anyone know is Jo has my resources on diastasis recti? How to find, how to see Improvement and most importantly if you see bulging AT ALL what to do. I have a tiny bit and I'm wondering whether to carry on or tone it down. I am Pp  almost 3 years so thought I'd be ok to go for the DR friendly ones...I did lots at the beginning and got it down from a 3 finger width gap to a 1. Now I'm like, is this it? Am I stuck here now?! 

in 🏠 homies
May 08

Hi all! 

Last year my hubby and I did a hugely restrictive diet. No dairy, no grains, no sugar. So basically veg and protein. Not quite keto. I guess you could call it Paleo. Anyway. It worked and I lost 1 stone. It was an 8 week detox and then you introduce just whole foods back in, we felt amazing. BUT I just can't sustain that level of discipline and Christmas happened, then my birthday and Easter and I put on half a stone again. So gutted!

Anyway, I'm good with workouts, but nutrition I need help. What are people following to loose weight or are you just eating healthy but focusing on these workouts daily? 

Feeling really discouraged as it was such a hard slog eating so strict and I'm annoyed to have 'lost control'. 

in 🏠 homies
April 30

I cried a little during my workout because I wanted to give up but I just kept pushing. I did the 10 minute core and day 4 of the 20-10-5 workouts. When I finished I smiled because I didn't give up!!! I feel stronger and proud!!!! Keep going everyone we can do this!!!

in 🏠 homies
May 01
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I am SO excited for this months' workouts! We are releasing a "partner" workout plan this month called GROW MIX!!!

Babes, trust me I had soooo much fun filming these and I have a feeling youre going to have even more fun doing them with a friend or family member in person or on FaceTime, or even by yourself!

Be also on the look out for some surprise drops and I URGE you to join this months accountability call! The last two have brought this community so much closer and I would hate for you to miss out on that bonding opportunity!

As always, you can follow the schedule in the "schedule" tab daily and even add the workouts to your personal digital calendar!

Who's ready to give this month their all?

in 🏠 homies
May 07

Today I started the 10 day core . Have a bit of bronchitis so I don’t want to over exert myself so this was a good workout.  Can’t wait to get back on schedule. 

in 🏠 homies
May 06
• Edited (May 06, 2024)

Good Morning everyone! I just recently decided to commit to following the GWJ community after having to take a break from exercising for a few weeks. Originally I was doing a shuffle of videos throughout the week from the YouTube channel and could really feel myself having more energy, better sleep, etc. So I'm hoping that following an actual calendar and being part of a community will help me stay on track. I'm a Type 2 Diabetic that needs to work on bringing down my A1C and lose weight; which means I need to be more active. I look forward to working with everyone to become more healthy and confident in my own body!