Rebecca Cromwell


May 14 at 07:36 PM

Holding myself accountable in more ways then one. I'm only in my 3rd week in my journey. And I worked out consistently in my first week and a half and then a toothache took me down. I was in so much pain even just staying awake was a chore. I got really upset with myself but then remembered to be kind to me. I took action right away and I'm on the mend already ready to keep going. Thanks to my dentist! And it gave me more time to hydrate to help with my tooth infection while taking my medication. And because I didn't procrastinate I can continue my consistency. Just wanted to rant but say thanks to this community I know I can take care of myself in many different aspects of my life 


Apr 28 at 07:36 PM

I'm 217 lbs,it's the highest I've weighed in at. I've always flirted with the higher 200's but have stayed pretty consistent with the lower numbers of the 200's. I noticed a few days ago that even small tasks were making me outta breath. I've used the videos before but have never been real consistent so I wanna try hard this time. I wanna be consistent. My husband has IBS and we've changed our diet up a few times just trying to find his trigger foods but we also still somewhat eat like we used to. I'm just trying to change my mind set and to think positively. I don't wanna be unhealthy anymore. I'm hoping posting with this community will help me keep myself accountable. You all seem very encouraging!Â