Chelsea Fuller

May 13 at 05:23 PM

Thank you so much for your kind words. I needed to hear this today. 


Commented on 20-10-5 Method Day 2

Mar 26 at 06:38 PM

Loving these. And I love that we get to hear you support us during the workout. Sometimes I need that push. 

these are challenging and effective. 


Mar 22 at 06:39 AM

Love when it’s dumbbell time. 


Commented on 20 MIN Morning Wake Up

Mar 19 at 06:47 AM

One of my favorites 

Commented on Pulse + Sculpt Legs

Mar 12 at 07:50 AM


Mar 04 at 07:52 AM

This was hard for me because I really dislike kickboxing. I see the word kickboxing and i have a bad attitude. But I got through it and had a good sweat. 

Feb 28 at 07:09 AM

Whoa! That kicked my butt. I feel great though 


Amazing leg workout. Great music!

Feb 08 at 07:41 AM

Whoa! My booty is on fire!


Commented on 20 MIN Morning Wake Up

Jan 31 at 06:58 AM

I had to switch up Wednesday’s workout to Thursdays due to timing in the morning. I want to say I love how you can see videos for future dates and play them. It really does help and then I don’t feel discouraged. 

this 20 min workout was great! 
